
Инициативная группа Корректирующего Времени


Mission Urantia - 9

Monday, 15 April, 2024

MACHIVENTA: Indeed, I will accept your invitation once again my loyal and faithful comrades in this mission that we share together. I am Machiventa keeping my promise that if you build it, we will come. And in fact, you have been engaged earnestly and dedicatedly toward this process. I can hardly extend the gratitude from myself and our whole side of the team on the other side of the veil, if you will, to participate together to act as if this is real thus creating this reality. Absolutely, if you build the construct, if you build the platform, if you build the arena, then I have promised that we will attend. We will join you in this process and support you in every way possible. So, I return again to honor your form here and to once again establish the connection and affirm the bond that we are enjoying and creating even now in this process.

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Mission Urantia - 8

Monday, 1 April, 2024

MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa. Today in our meeting I would like to remind us of the vision I had when I asked the CTAG group to announce my presence. My vision is to create a website that allows me to speak to this world, to remind the inhabitants that they are children of divine love and are not forgotten in the affairs of the universe, that there is a plan of personal salvation for each and every one. They have been gifted with the Spirit of their Creator, and if they so choose to cooperate with this Spirit, they can enjoy eternal life and an endless opportunity for growth. This is the basis for every other plan and there are many facets of this greater plan, but without each one's individual participation and free will cooperation in their personal plan of salvation and alignment of their individual will with the Will of our Creator, none of the other plans will bear fruit.

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Mission Urantia - 7

Monday, 18 March, 2024

MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa. Again, we meet in the space that we have created. We have made this space our own through our intentions and through our use of it. Because we do this, we have a place now where we can meet, I can speak with you, you can ask me questions, and we can co-creatively go about the work of our sovereign Christ Michael and express our heart's intention to do the will of our Heavenly Father—to bring this world forward out of the remnants of the effects of the Lucifer Rebellion and into the light of a new day.

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Mission Urantia - 6

Monday, 4 March, 2024

MACHIVENTA: Greetings, this is Machiventa. Again, we get together. We get together in the space that we have created because it is our intention to be here and there is a delight to do so. I know that I and my staff welcome this opportunity to be able to demonstrate that things indeed are changing, that now is a new time, that it is possible to bridge this gap between spirit and mortal, to commune together, and to do the work of our beloved Sovereign Christ Michael. In times to come, you will remember this moment and you will marvel that you participated in the cleansing of the rebellion from your Urantia. Your faith will be magnified, and you will go forth from these moments strengthened in your resolve to do the will of the Paradise deities. Many are the wonders that will unfold before you as you traverse the universes in your long journey to Paradise.

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Mission Urantia - 5

Monday, 19 February, 2024

MACHIVENTA: I'm pleased to see you gathered here again today in the space that we have created together through our faith and our intention to be here with one another. So, I welcome you, and I offer you my gratitude. These are interesting times my friends. There have been many changes in the spiritual status of this world since your Master walked this world 2’000 years ago. And he tried very hard with the minds of that age to get his apostles and his disciples to see the benefits of going apart and contemplating and seeking to have a little talk with their indwelling spirit. Jesus himself perfected this, and by the time he was 30 years old he had completed this process and had fused with his Thought Adjuster, or would have, except for the events that followed when he was being baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan. His Thought Adjuster became a personalized Thought Adjuster and even now is the head of all Thought Adjusters on Urantia. Since that time, of course, the rebellion has been adjudicated. The planet is no longer in quarantine and the lines of spiritual energy have been reconnected. Some have been purified and those that had been so corrupted have been simply dismissed and new lines have been connected.

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Mission Urantia - 4

Monday, 5 February, 2024

MACHIVENTA: Hello, this is your friend and cohort in this incredible opportunity that is before us. I and my staff have been eagerly observing what you are up to since our last session together. We're very pleased to see the devotion and the dedication to this work that you represent. I'll just give a brief welcome to you and introduction and then ask you to again, bring questions to the fore and let's have a conversation. So, I would like to put some context in this work. Between you and me, there's a great difference in horizons in terms of time and space. And so, we have to bridge that. There are many ways that the human mind works. To us, it's so short in its timeframe and it can lead to serious issues because we all want to see something done. I know you all want to see something done for your world in your lifetime. And yet, we span many lifetimes. We can go back over 3’000 years [about 3’000 B.C.] and see how I was here with human beings at that time. Then Christ Michael came.

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Mission Urantia - 3

Monday, 22 January, 2024

MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa. I'm delighted to be with you once again as by your intentions you create this space that makes it possible for us to connect with one another. On our side we observe you and we see that it's been a very busy and interesting couple of weeks. We look at you; we see you going through the very processes that we're asking you to use to design policies, laws, the working mechanisms for people to learn to work together for common values and for common good, to put aside differences and instead of making differences, making cooperation happen. And so, I welcome you to this process. You are being very much initiated in planetary management for planetary management takes in a vast diversity and tries to bring it into a wholeness while respecting diversity but making this diversity appear within a wholeness as opposed to outside of it or opposed to wholeness.

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Mission Urantia - 2

Monday, 8 January, 2024

MACHIVENTA: Good day. This is Machiventa. I'm here because you have created the space for me to be here. Because you faithfully show up week in and week out, because you hold this space, and because you fill it with your intention you create the possibility for celestials to communicate with mortals and we welcome that. We are delighted to see this group continue on after the transition from Daniel to the CTAG group and now to Mission Urantia. And the most heartening thing on our side is to see you making decisions. Never forget your ability to grow and to increase your capacity to receive more is directly tied to your willingness to make decisions. Now decisions are often not easy to make when you don't have a lot in front of you to go on and you must make them based on your faith. So here again I would remind you that the most important mission that we are co-creating together and working on together is a support of one another in your private, personal practice with your own indwelling spirit because that is where you go to create discernment. That is where you go to ask for help to make decisions. It's easy to sit on the sidelines and to receive, but then when things change, when the energy changes, when the mission cranks it up a gear and there's work to be done, one has to decide for themselves what their role is going to be.

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Correcting Time Action Group - 23

Monday, 11 December, 2023

MACHIVENTA: Good morning. This is Machiventa. I want to thank you for creating the space, for bringing yourselves here, contributing your energy and your faith to making this a working group, to making this a place where I can meet with you, where I can co-create with you, and where together we can work on discerning what God’s Will is for our lives and how best to apply that from a planetary manager's point of view and as individuals who are living on this world at this time of tremendous change. So, I would let you know first and foremost how grateful we are for you and for what you are attempting to do.

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Correcting Time Action Group - 22

Monday, 27 November, 2023

MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa. Let me tell you how pleased I am to see this group gather once again and hold the space where we can meet, where we can put our hearts and minds together, and discern for ourselves as individuals and for ourselves collectively as a group what the will of our heavenly Father is for us, and how we can support Christ Michael and his Correcting Time and bring this world to a place where light and life can begin to dawn, and we can make ready the space for Monjoronson to begin his mission. We are delighted with the progress that is being made, and we hold out high hopes for these groups that are meeting and for this generation of human beings.

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Correcting Time Action Group - 21

Monday, 13 November, 2023

MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa. Thank you for your invitation and for preparing this space in which I and my team can meet with you and gather this way. You know that the game we play is a long game, but what we're doing today, what we are doing now with this group, is laying a foundation. We are planting seeds, plowing the ground. We are preparing for the day when a new light dawns upon this world and where the seeds we are planting today will push their heads up above the ground and then that new light will quickly grow and bear forth the fruits of our labors.

The day that we're working for is a preparation for the Magisterial Mission. There is much to do before Monjoronson can incarnate as a mortal of the realm and walk amongst the people on this world. And so we begin that task, we continue that task, and we put ourselves to it with joy. We are grateful for this opportunity in divine service to our sovereign Christ Michael and our mother Nebadonia. I look forward to your questions. I look forward to a conversation with you to see how our co-creativity manifests. So, without further comment from me I will open the floor and let us converse together and talk about how we might best do this. Thank you.

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Correcting Time Action Group - 20

Monday, 30 October, 2023

MACHIVENTA: Good morning. This is Machiventa. Is there any way I could possibly convey to you how delighted I am to see this gathering this morning? This, from our point of view, is a monumental moment—to bring together these veterans of all of our efforts over the many decades. It gives us great hope for the future ahead. It gives us a wonderful moment of celebration to think that we can move on now to a phase of our correcting time that has always been projected and in the plans but had to wait until there were certain developments and a certain amount of maturity before they had a reasonable chance to succeed. And now we see that that chance it's not only reasonable, but also absolutely possible and necessary.

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Correcting Time Action Group - 19

Monday, 16 October, 2023

Good morning, this is Machiventa. I am pleased to see so many gathered here today as it does my heart good to know that there's a growing reception for the work that we do together. We are all here together because we have exercised our free will choice to be here. And as you have prepared this space for me, I accept your invitation.

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Correcting Time Action Group - 18

Monday, 2 October, 2023

MACHIVENTA: All who hear and read this message are tasked with the support of our mission. In the creation of this organization, we are putting a foundation under our efforts and creating a vehicle in which we can move with confidence in implementing our plans. As you proclaim our presence here and announce our plans, we can increase the vibration in the planetary circuits and dial up the frequency of the Thought Adjuster circuits to create an atmosphere of grace that will make it possible for Urantians to connect with the spiritual influences that surround them and begin to awaken [them] to their true purpose and higher aspirations for themselves and this world. To turn back now would be to default on your trust. You must not allow doubt or the difficulties of this project to defeat you. You are given every resource to succeed. Only your perseverance and faith are required for our triumph.

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Correcting Time Action Group - 17

Monday, 18 September, 2023

MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa. Thank you for your invitation and for conditioning the space in which we can gather. There are many aspects of the Correcting Time plan that are beyond the comprehension of mortals. Your knowledge of reality is limited. Your experience does not allow for full disclosure. This in no way limits your value as a participant in our efforts to modify the trajectory for this world. Humans are in fact the most important element in our plan. Humanity's participation is key to every other aspect of our plans. Your endowment of free will is the one aspect of these plans that determines the effectiveness of our efforts. We patiently work with mortals in hopes that they will awaken to our efforts and choose to cooperate with us.

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