The Art of Discernment

T/RingPlease Come to Center

How do you know when a statement that comes from Spirit is accurate and truthful, or not?  This class will provide students with the tools and discipline to examine messages, whether from any celestial being, or human, for their validity. For celestial beings of light, these messages must be consistent with the characteristics of the Creator and Its grand hierarchy of spiritual beings throughout the universe.  Once we understand the universal character of these beings, what comes from them in the form of channeled messages through a Transmitter/Receiver (TR) becomes easier to discern.

The message(s) that come through the Transmitter/Receiver the key to discerning the message, the Transmitter/Receiver, and the Spiritual Being.  As well, the discussions about discernment, fear, and ego are equally applicable to Team Members as the Transmitter/Receiver.

From Merriam-Webster –                       
Main Entry: dis*cern
Pronunciation: di-*s*rn, -*z*rn
Function: verb

1 : to detect with the eyes  : DISTINGUISH;
3 : to come to know or recognize mentally
  –dis*cern*ible  adjective
  –dis*cern*ment  noun

1.   Discerning the Message

  • Does the message make sense?
  • Is the message consistent within itself?  Is it consistent with previous messages, and consistent with the larger aspects of our universe?  Is the “meta-message” consistent with the Transmitter/Receiver and the spiritual being?
  • Does the message make a meaningful contribution to our knowledge, or is it just more “fluff”?
  • Does the message lead us in a direction that is consistent with our topic?

2.   Discerning the Transmitter/Receiver

Examining the message is the primary means for discerning the reliability of the Transmitter/Receiver.  Due to the message coming through a conscious TR, the message can be colored by the unconscious and conscious personal involvement of the Transmitter/Receiver in/with the content of the message.  TRd messages should be discerned for bias from the Transmitter/Receiver.  If the content of a Transmitter/Receiver’s messages is consistently colored with bias and personal involvement (fear, ego) then the Transmitter/Receiver should not be used in future sessions.

A TRd message may or may not be obviously colored by some bias, opinion, estimation, prejudice, or judgment.  When reading or listening to a TRd message, try to find the “gems” among the “stones.”  Although the message may lack 100% accuracy, there may be insightful contributions in it.  Knowing the difference is the key to effective practices of discernment.
The negative driving forces of human existence are ego and fear, which become invested in issues of power, control, and authority, and often become visible as abuse of money and sex.

EGO  and  FEAR  are influences that work against a Team’s productivity, and integrity.

Ego  —  Ego issues color the “text” of the messages that come through the Transmitter/Receiver.  The intention of ego involvement is always some form of “return” that comes back to the Transmitter/Receiver in some form of self-gratification, self-aggrandizement, power, and control.

Ego usually expresses its presence as ongoing process in one or more several ways:

  • Power in the forms of manipulation, control, authority, and position.  This may take the form of an agenda that provides a political, financial, social, or other form of return to the Transmitter/Receiver.
  • Self-aggrandizement, self-importance, self-centeredness, selfishness, conceit, arrogance, and sometimes as “Guru syndrome” either projecting or accepting same from followers.  
  • Envy, jealously, and more.

Fear  — Fear makes statements of position, and may express as judgment, biases, strong opinions, prejudices, bigotry, distancing, or withdrawal, for example, causing separation.  Fear positions become known in the form of statements, attitudes, and opinions that shock or immobilize the group.  Repeated presentations of a horrific and terrifying nature is a sign of fear in the Transmitter/Receiver when it causes fear in the audience.  It, too, may be a method for the TR to gain power, control, and to be seen as the “guru” and/or savior of the group.

Statements that cause fear that are NOT made often about horrific or terrifying topics may indicate the topic is real and that fear is an appropriate response.  In that case, listeners may want to work with their own fears so that they remain effective members of the Team.

Mental Illness  —  In the case of aberrant thinking, i.e., what most people would call mental illness if diagnosed by professional psychiatrists or clinical psychologists, also falls into the realm of discernment.  It is not necessary to devise a label of the thinking of the person who TRd a strange and unusual message.

If you discern a message to be far out of the ordinary, and, for example, appears to involve paranoia, extreme fear, fetishes, to name a few issues of aberrant thinking, and any of the other evidence of bizarre thinking, then you have discerned enough to reject the message.  Dealing with the messenger then takes tact, skill, grace, and perseverance to persuade not to Transmitter/Receiver again.  And that may be of no avail.

3.   Discerning the Spiritual Being

Spiritual beings of light are easily identified by their infallible character.  The etiquette of spiritual beings of light is a significant reference useful for discerning the character of the spiritual being coming through the Transmitter/Receiver.

4.   Integration and Separation

Generally, spiritual activity brings integration, rather than separation.  Ego, fear, and mental illness cause separation in some form.  Our first observations are actions, then moving inward we observe/listen to the words, and these two indicators tell us what is dominant in the thinking of the Transmitter/Receiver, the message, or the spiritual being who provided the message.

Spirit moves us from separation to integration, wholeness, and oneness.

Separation is not sustainable; even diversity does not bring sustainability.

Maturing mortals eventually move through the stages of separation, diversity, and onto integration – oneness.   And these tell us what level of maturity, evolution and development that the TR has attained.

5.   Discerning the Belief System

Sometimes people have unconsciously integrated two or more different beliefs systems into their thinking.  As example, we have seen this many times when early Catholic missionaries taught Catholicism to native people in South American who already had a religion of their own.  Rather than abandon their old beliefs, they simply added the Catholic belief system to their own.  And rather than tell the native population their old religion was in error, the priests taught the new beliefs, hoping that they would replace the religious superstitions.  What occurred was a cross-bred belief system that was neither true to either belief, but confusing to an outsider.

Today, we do not think we are susceptible to the influence of two or more belief systems.  Yet, if we were to write down our beliefs and examine them closely, we would find that we have unwittingly mixed our beliefs.  They are clear in our mind, but may not be so clear and precise to others.  If two people with two different belief systems are experiencing some spiritual event, they probably will interpret it differently, and use different names and titles for describing spiritual beings.

6.  Closing

Discernment is probably one of the most powerful mental activities we exercise in our lives – if we choose to exercise it.  After a session of asking your guardian angels questions, and listening to their answers, discern if the answers were “of God” or other.

During TRing, set aside question-asking about your thoughts of discernment.  Just make note of them – then discern and judge the answers later.

When you do discuss your discernments, ask lots of questions from your heart.  Listen with your heart.  Let your mind judge later.  When talking to angels, be a child—trust and accept what you hear, then discern the message so that you are not blind in your trust and acceptance.

Daniel Raphael, PH.D.


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