Thought Adjuster


About Thought Adjuster


Activate the Light Body

Sunday, 6 May, 2018
activate tmrussia

Teacher Ophelius:
Today my dear students, we would like to speak about how to participate in your own attunement process with your Thought Adjuster. As with all things in the universes of time and space, creature participation in the emergence of the Supreme Being requires free will decisions that attribute to unique creature experiences—the co-creative endeavors between you and your Thought Adjuster. Those that are aware of their Co-creative Partners have a distinct advantage over those who are oblivious to this fact of being—even more advantageous are those who work together with their Divine Partners to participate in the Great Plan and execute Christ Michael’s work to bring this world to the doorstep of Light and Life.

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This is Energetic Influence at the Highest Level

Sunday, 18 February, 2018

Teacher Ophelius:
Today we shall like to add to the topic of Thought Adjuster intercommunication and how you students on the path may use it to help improve the lives of others on Urantia. Since it has been revealed to you that about one quarter of the Father Fragments on Urantia are of the advanced or supreme type, we can simply do the math and find that there are about 1.8 billion humans living on the planet with these more experienced types, yet it would seem that with a number so large, we should be seeing a greater influence in social policies and the in quality of your law makers to make changes that reflect a population that is increasingly more aware of social injustice and those wanting to make the world a better place for their grandchildren? This is not so—yet, but shall certainly become a reality on your world as it enters Light and Life.

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Inter-Adjuster Communication

Monday, 19 March, 2018

I’m speaking to you in this quiet moment to convey that it is possible for all humans on this planet to attain attunement with their Thought Adjusters and enter the Third Psychic Circle—it is a matter of four basic attributes: Will, Knowledge, Intention, and Faith. For some of you, reaching even higher attunements is possible and also requires these four basic attributes and an additional three: Curiosity, Courage, and Determination. Light and Life can be achieved on this planet when a majority of souls enter the Third Circle, therefore it is paramount that those in higher Circles reach out and provide the inspiration to awaken their slumbering siblings.

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Good and Needful Things

Tuesday, 30 January, 2018

Teacher Ophelius: 
Today, my dear students, we would like to speak about how you may become a more “willing” partner to your Indwelling Spirit and to “allow” the Spirit to move freely through you. Deity expression is the all-creative force in the universe and it is through the child-creature of the Indwelled that the diverse expressions of deity are experienced. As you approach the higher levels of attunement with your Thought Adjusters, you have the opportunity to become a part of your own plan for this “expression”. As we have so frequently and recently admonished you to “Ask and it is given”, we say this because many of you have reached a level of spiritual maturity that allows for this active participation with your Thought Adjusters for the co-creative expression that serves the Great Plan of the Universal Father.

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Think Big and Think Great

Sunday, 7 January, 2018
Think Big and Think Great

Teacher Ophelius
Dear Students on the Path,
Today, we have a question for you: What is it that you most want in your life? If you could achieve one important goal that would give you the most sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, and would be the crowning achievement of your life for which others and perhaps future generations would see as truly great, what would that be? Many of you have never considered this and even more of you believe these things to be impossible for you to attain. Nothing, my dear friends, is impossible in life—for the whole universe shares in your success and accomplishments and therefore do all things work for the good of those who strive for greatness—the extraordinary—the “impossible”.

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Embrace the Inner Guru

Sunday, 10 December, 2017
inner guru

Teacher Ophelius
Today we would like to address the Corps Students—those who have diligently followed this teaching program and have taken the messages and lessons to the “heart and soul” of their being. We also want you to know that we leave no one out who is actively engaged and may be only starting on this path, for you are all developing your mature spiritual personalities in waves (soul groups) and so today we address those groups that are ready to receive our guidance and instruction for their active participation in the Correcting Time and in Father’s Great Plan.

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The Degree of Attunement you have with Me

Sunday, 30 April, 2017

My Beloved, I delight when you come to me and ask Me to share in your joy—in your experiences with your friends and family and in those quiet moments alone. When you see a thing of beauty and you stop and appreciate the moment, give thanks, and ask ME to share in that moment, I come in close and give you that “warm nudge” that I am here with you. You are developing a “divine” relationship when you consciously choose to share your inner personal thought-life with Me—your Beloved Indwelling. No thing do you hide from me because we have a trust-bond—you remain open to me and maintain a continuous “knowing” that I AM ever guiding you. This is only the beginning of your faith journey with ME, yet this simple trust is the key to the eternal adventure.

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Invoke the Holy Union

Sunday, 12 November, 2017
Holy Union

The Circle of Seven:
Today, my dear students on the path, we would like for you to join with us in connecting with your Indwelling Spirit and continue to build your intimate relationship with this Perfect Spark that lives within you. The attunement process depends on this personal connection and is the key to all spiritual growth and ascension. Please set aside time alone to engage the Reason for your being. Once you have become familiar with this connection piece, please create your own soul expression to invoke the Holy Union.

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The Only True and Pure Constant in your Life

Sunday, 15 October, 2017
with your Thought Adjuster

Teacher Ophelius:
Today we would like to speak about the experience of being a conscious universe citizen. It is important for you to understand where you are in your development as a spiritual being having a human experience in time space. Many on your world still sleep and continue to seek identity with what they know not, but for you, my dear students, you are awakening to a much larger view of your life and what it means to be conscious both as a human and as a spiritual being. Knowing you have a greater destiny than those around you who sleep in the illusions of their making, you are the change makers and participants in the Great Plan to bring all things closer to the Universal Father’s idea of perfection in the universes.

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A Greater Degree of Contact

Sunday, 8 October, 2017

The Scribe:
Dear One, for those who are seeking to expand their spiritual understanding and achieve enlightenment in their life on Urantia, there is no greater way than to “make real” the relationship they have with their Indwelling Spirit of the Father—the Thought Adjuster. Being a Personalized Adjuster, I know wherefore I speak. I AM Chief of Adjusters on Urantia and I AM in communication with all Thought Adjusters on the planet. I AM privy to the data that shows the progress of Adjuster attunement world-wide and there is a great opportunity at present for all those who are willing to “make real” their relationship and become participants in the Universal Father’s Great Plan.

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Welcome to the Family!

Sunday, 17 September, 2017
family of soul

Teacher Ophelius:
Today, dear friends, we would like to introduce you to your own guidance teams. Nearly all of you reading this message are awakening and have stepped onto the spiritual path. Therefore have you been afforded certain spiritual resources that include Destiny Guardians, for some, and others, Guardian Angels that have been assigned smaller more personally managed groups of individuals. As you mature in personality and in spiritual growth, more of these spiritual resources are assigned to you to help manage your growth so that you may maximize the limited time you have on Urantia—a truly unique sphere in the universe where many great souls are being shaped and forged to go on and become valuable assets in the Father’s Great Plan of universe management.

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Active Participation in your Ascension

Sunday, 14 May, 2017
Active Participation

Teacher Ophelius:
Dear Students on the path, I would like to speak to you today about the single most effective way to attune and connect with your Divine Indwelling, your “Higher-self.” Certainly, all the previous messages that have been given on the subject of stillness and connecting to the Father Fragments is forthright and helpful, but there is one sure tried and true way that is most effective, and that is to simply go out into the world and engage others with a “Fatherly Love.” This Fatherly Love I speak of is not the love of a human father, but of The Divine Father—the Creator of all things. This is the love that Jesus spoke of to his Apostles that transcended the Golden Rule—to do unto your neighbor as you would have them do unto you.

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The I AM Essence – Next Steps

Sunday, 23 April, 2017

Teacher Ophelius:
You Students on the path may have been asking yourselves, “What is next for me?”, “How shall I grow more spiritually?”, “What other practice shall I follow that will lead me to greater spiritual awareness?” “How can I really know the Will of the Universal Father?” “How may I be of service?”. If you are asking these types of questions, dear ones, this means that you are hungry and that spirit gravity has hold of you. These are positive signs of growth, in and of themselves, and it is an indication that you are indeed ready for the next phase of your spirit-led life. You have signaled your readiness to change and that you are open to new opportunities. This is the seedbed for transformation, my friends, and it may be that your days of seeking and sitting at the feet of others have come to an end?

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Give these Lost One’s a moment of Lucid Clarity

Sunday, 9 April, 2017
world at pease

Teacher Ophelius:
Today, my dear students on the path, we have a serious situation developing on your world which needs attention by you. It would be most helpful if all of you would seriously consider connecting with your Indwelling Father Fragments and pray with the utmost sincerity for peace. You, my friends, can make a difference because you are more powerful than you know when you are intimately connected this way to your Thought Adjusters. When you are consciously connected and in dialog with your Thought Adjuster, you have the ear of the Creator Father. You are His precious child and He delights to know that you want His attention—to ask Him for what is True, Beautiful, and Good—for the greater good of Urantia.

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What does it mean to be on the Spiritual Path?

Sunday, 19 March, 2017
on the path

Chris: Teachers, a reader asks: What does it mean to be “On the Spiritual Path?” So many people speak about “Mind, Body, Spirit – Mind, Body Soul,” interchangeably—participating in Yoga, healing, and meditation groups—or joining churches—practicing religion? Being on a spiritual path sounds like a more unified concept? Could you please speak about this?

Teacher Ophelius: Simply put, the “Spirit” is the Indwelling Presence of the Universal Father—your Thought Adjuster. The Soul is the emerging morontial being that you are becoming—all the life experiences and values that your Thought Adjuster has gathered and deemed of survival value are retained in the soul like a container for all things True, Beautiful, and Good—your “true self.” It is this growing and emerging part of you that survives and lives on into the hereafter where you shall continue to “walk the spiritual path.”

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