62. Social Sustainability Interpretations of Social Issues, -10

Reinterpreting education using the three values of social sustainability will initiate a cultural transformation.  Reinterpreting education as one of the most significant social institutions of a democratic nation will affect every other social institution and millions of organizations. 

Considering such an impact, what intention for education would be applicable to all nations and all people?  (Ref. Post #5.)  The universal intention for education, particularly pre-K/12, is first to inform, instruct, train and educate to sustain our species; second, to do so similarly for the individual/family’s sustainability (and this includes developing the family into a Social Sustainability enculturating agency of our societies).  The universal intention of education at the university and post graduate levels is to enculturate students and graduates with the values and principles of social sustainability, particularly for those who go on to occupy positions within the social, political, and economic and financial organizations, because only socially sustainable organizations are capable of supporting a sustainable society.  Fulfilling these intentions will create a systemic synergism where all organizations work toward the sustainability of our species, individuals/families and society.

This may sound complicated, but in actuality it offers a systemic integrity and synergy to all social institutions and organizations that does not exist today.  We have lived inside our culture for so long that we inherently accept its incongruous complexities as “just the way it all works.”  But, in fact, it is not working very well.  Many social institutions and organizations have antagonistic perspectives toward cooperation and the preservation of the larger structures of our societies.

Such intentions would empower education as a social institution to become truly an effective partner to the adaptability of society so that it can move toward social stability and sustainability.  In a systemically connected society, the intention of education is to prepare each individual/family to become a socially sustainable social asset of society, and an effective member in any group or organizations.  That means education supports the individual to become a disciplined and responsible person who exercises their self-determination to improve their quality of life, to grow to express and fulfill their innate potential equally as anyone else would, without violating the right of self-determination to equally become socially sustainable.